Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let Him Lead


I wish to start off by offering a huge apology to all of you readers. I have not posted in quite some time, and I hope you all forgive me and will understand. Life has been crazy. Blessed and joyful, but crazy. And right now, I should be sleeping. But I'm taking the time to do this. Because I feel that God wants me to write--NOW.

This past weekend was amazing. Friday night, I had the chance to go to Club Rodeo with some of my dear friends, and two-step and swing dance the night away! Here, God decided to yell at me...literally. I was swing dancing with one of my good friends, but I was not letting her lead me. "Let me lead!" She kept shouting over the music. "Let me lead! Am I leading? Let me lead!" And I would try to let her lead...sort of. But never completely. For whatever reason, I could not bring myself to let her lead entirely. I would not stop being the headstrong, prideful person who I am.
It hit me. Her voice was just like God yelling out to me "Let me lead! Let ME lead!" It was an incredible reminder that I need to stop trying to boss God around. I need to be open to God, to let Him lead me where He wishes me to go. That night, I examined myself, and made a new resolve to let God do the leading in the great dance of life.

Moving on....

Saturday evening, I was blessed to go to Prom with one of my very closest friends. I had an amazing time that night. It was definitely one of the best nights that I have ever had, without a doubt. I loved dancing that night away. Even if the music being played was not "danceable," it didn't matter. My date and I danced--legit dancing, like two-step, foxtrot, swing, etc--anyway. Dancing with him, I felt relaxed, joyful, comfortable, peaceful. I let him lead. And you know what? Because I let him lead, we had an amazing time dancing, and were able to glide across the dance floor, going across it beautifully. Just like whenever I let God lead, He can take me peacefully and beautifully through life. When I let God lead, He can move me across the dance floor at His own timing.

Let God lead, and your steps will never wander from His presence. By: AnneMarie


  1. I'm so glad you had an excellent time =)
    Haha, this is kinda like what we were talking about Thursday night right before I left. =P

    Hmm, you're an awesome person! God bless and DFTBA!

  2. I feel like this could tie into my talk for our retreat!

    Love you Annie! =)
