Monday, November 21, 2011

As Simple as a Fawn on the Path

It's as simple as a fawn on the path.

Friday evening, I was hanging out with friends in Trinity, watching "Tarzan." Well, after a little bit, one of my dear brothers came along and asked me to leave and pray evening prayer with him. So the two of us ventured out into dark night, heading towards the Marian Grotto (which is behind the Portiuncula/perpetual Adoration chapel). It was very dark at the Grotto, so we were unable to see the breviary's words. So I suggested that we walk back to the Nativity scene (which is right next to the Port), where it was lit. Jacob and I began slowly walking that way, when he stopped me. "Look-at the Stations of the Cross." Now, the outdoor Stations of the Cross begin next to the Nativity scene, and wrap down the hill in the wooded edge of campus, by way of a little path. There, at the beginning of the stations, was a young fawn. It stood there, about 15 feet away from us, looking at us. The scene was so peaceful, so calm and still. Then, the fawn took a couple steps down the pathway of the Stations, stopped, and looked at us again. After a few moments, it peacefully scampered down the pathway of the Stations of the Cross.

What a simple, beautiful lesson about life! The fawn, so innocent and peaceful, on the Way of the Cross. Christ was innocent and peaceful as He suffered, walking along the pathway to Calvary. In all of His struggles and sorrows, He had a peaceful calm, lifting everything up to God. This little fawn, in all of its innocence and peace, going along on the Way of the Cross. God calls us to emulate this little fawn, to imitate His Son. Sufferings and struggles will come; we must cling to God, offer everything to Him, and journey on the Way of the Cross peacefully, with love.
A simple lesson, and so vital for life.

Lord Jesus Crucified, have mercy on us!

P.S. I want to give a shout-out to a friend of mine, who writes an EXCELLENT blog that discusses spiritual and life lessons found in His creation (specifically deer), which I HIGHLY recommend--in fact, this friend is who inspired me to write this post when I saw the fawn! :)
By: AnneMarie