Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quick Update!

Hello, my wonderful readers! 
I deeply apologize for my long absence in the blogging realm. Life has been more than crazy, and I am even surprised that I have these next few moments to spare. So I shall use those fully, to provide y'all with a quick update on life:

In August, I began my sophomore year at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Yay!! I love this place! It has been ridiculously insane, managing 18 credit hours--both going to class and doing homework--(half of which are English--writing, writing, and more writing...), leading a Nursing Home Ministry, participating in household, being a sacristan for a weekday Mass...you get the idea. Occasionally, I find the need to eat and/or sleep should be satisfied :P 

On top of all of the utter craziness of life, a whole new realm of craziness/wonderfulness opened up a month ago: I'm engaged to be married!!! For those of you that know me well, you are probably well aware that a year ago at this time, I was excitedly looking forward to hanging out with religious sisters at a Vocations Fair, and was making plans to visit a convent for Thanksgiving break (which I did). One year later, look where I am! I will hopefully write a post describing this more at a later date, but for now, please just keep my fiance and I in your prayers as we prepare for marriage!

My household, Sacrifice of Love, is having a 20 year reunion this weekend, which I am very excited for. It will be awesome to meet past household sisters, and grow in our devotion to loving and sacrificing for Our Lord and each other! 

I have bunches and bunches of papers to write this week, as well as other school and randomness, but GOD IS SO GOOD! Remember that no matter how crazy life may get, God is always with you, loving you, taking care of you, and He will help you do everything that you need to get done! Alleluia! By: AnneMarie