Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hello, world! Happy Thursday!

I apologize for my lack of blogging, reflecting, and randomness lately--midterms and hundreds of assigned pages of reading will do that to a person : )

But, despite all craziness, remember how good God is! All the time! He is always ready and super eager to "tickle" His children with blessings.

Like a personal blessing from Fr. Denny, hand on my head, right before he celebrates 6:30 a.m Mass.

Yes, Jacob found this on the tomato when he was
making lunch with me yesterday. So wonderful!!!!!
Like Fr. Joe, MIC, celebrating a Votive Mass for St. Joseph every chance that he can.

Like a wonderful husband who prays, plays, and cooks with me daily.

Like random smiley faces on tomatoes.

God fills each day with blessings and abundant joys-so many that go unnoticed. Keep your eyes open for God's little surprises every day!

By: AnneMarie