Monday, February 24, 2014

Mercy Monday: Love in Action

Happy Glorious Mercy Monday!!!

Here's a cool story about St. Faustina, which I absolutely love--it's an example of truly living out the Gospel in day-to-day life:

"1934. Once, when I returned to my cell, I was so tired that I had to rest a moment before I started to undress, and when I was already undressed, one of the sisters asked me to fetch her some hot water. Although I was tired, I dressed quickly and brought her the water she wanted, even though it was quite a long walk from the cell to the kitchen, and the mud was ankle-deep.

When I re-entered my cell, I saw the ciborium with the Blessed Sacrament, and I heard this voice, Take this ciborium and bring it to the tabernacle. I hesitated at first, but when I approached and touched it, I heard these words, Approach each of the sisters with the same love with which you approach Me; and whatever you do for them, you do it for Me. A moment later, I saw that I was alone."
(Notebook 1, Section 285) By: AnneMarie