Monday, February 3, 2014


Happy Mercy Monday!

This week, let's look at some resolutions that St. Faustina made during a retreat on May 1, 1933. Simple, applicable to daily life, and worthy of practice by all of us!

"Love of neighbor: First: Helpfulness towards the sisters. 
Second: Do not speak about those who are absent, and defend the good name of my neighbor. 
Third: Rejoice in the success of others.” 
(Section 241, Notebook 1)

These resolutions are a really good examination of conscience, I think. Throughout the day, we can ask ourselves, "Have I been helpful to my parents/spouse/siblings/classmates/children?" and try to love better. We can also stop gossip altogether. 

And notice how St. Faustina mentions "defend the good name of my neighbor." So many times, it can be easy enough not to actively join in the gossip or people-bashing. But are we really helping a situation to get better by not saying/doing anything? Gently steering the topic away, to something more worthwhile, is a good way stop gossip. 

Furthermore, see the chunk of goodness to top off these resolutions? "Rejoice in the success of others." REJOICE! With your whole being! I know it can be super easy to see someone's accomplishments--via in-class discussion, Facebook, etc--and to act all happy, but to be internally downplaying their success. But let us rejoice! 

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near."~ Philippians 4:4-5

By: AnneMarie