Friday, June 20, 2014

The Splendor of Daily Life

Happy Friday!

What an AWESOME week!!!! You know, it is so much fun to do big, crazy, and wild things, but seriously--the "ordinary routine" of daily life is quite extraordinary. God dumps so many blessings throughout daily life!

For random conversations with super random people, I am grateful. Jacob and I ran into this guy here for the Steubenville Youth Conference last weekend, and he was able to give us a prayer intention. The other day, while I was at the campus library, a graduate of FUS (who is now a seminarian in California!) randomly popped up across from me at the table. While playing Frisbee today, Jacob and I got to talk with some cool Dominican sisters (and they are from Nashville, so they know Sr. Natalie--She's from Wichita, too).

For Julie Klassen novels, I am grateful. Several weeks back, I discovered Julie Klassen's "Regency Romance" novels, and I read two. In this past week, I read three more (I took a day for each of them). They are so great! Very much in the line of Jane Austen. The author does a great job with research--at the beginning of each chapter, there's an excerpt from literature of or about the time period (newspaper clippings and such). I have liked the five that I have read, but if I had to recommend three, take a look at The Girl in the Gatehouse, The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, and The Lady of Milkweed Manor. 

For fireflies I am grateful. The other night when Jacob and I were chasing fireflies outside of our apartment, it was crazy--there were tons of fireflies in a small area, and they were all lighting up really brightly really quickly! It was awesome!

For St. Augustine, I am grateful. The Confessions is tough to get through at some parts, but I really am enjoying it immensely! I am growing in my appreciation for him so much!

For Doctor Who I am grateful. I watched "Series 4" this week, and greatly enjoyed it. Now for Series 1!

For Mass, the Rosary, and Liturgy of the Hours, I am grateful. A staple in daily life. I love it!

For an epic husband who plays chess, cards, and board games with me, I am grateful. Definitely an awesome part of married. life. We love playing games, and spend time pretty much every day at chess, cards, or other games (we've recently added Mario Party to our mix).

I hope that you all have a great finish to the work week, and a fabulous start to your weekend! To God be the Glory! 
By: AnneMarie