Monday, June 23, 2014

When Life Gets Crazy

Happy Monday! 

So you know those times when life gets ridiculously overwhelming? For me, it typically happens during the school year, around midterms, or when I have lots of papers and projects due simultaneously. St. Faustina is awesome, because while she got crazy overwhelmed at stuff, she directed her fears and whatnot all towards the right direction: her most loving Savior. 

"Today, at midnight, I big good-bye to the old year 1936 and welcomed the year 1937. It was with fear and trembling that, in this first hour of the year, I faced this new period of time. Merciful Jesus, with You I go boldly and courageously into conflicts and battles. In Your Name, I will accomplish everything and overcome everything. My God, Infinite Goodness, I beg of You, let Your infinite mercy accompany me always and in all things. 

As I enter this year, fear of life overwhelms me, but Jesus brings me out of this fear and lets me know what great glory this work of mercy will bring Him. 

There are times in life when the soul finds comfort only in profound prayer. Would that souls knew how to persevere in prayer at such times. This is very important." 

(Diary of St. Faustina, Notebook II, 859-860)
By: AnneMarie