Monday, August 25, 2014

Mercy Monday: The Glory of Our Humble God

Happy Mercy Monday! Here's our reflection from St. Faustina's Diary: 

          "...The God who is beyond all understanding stoops to me under the appearance of a little Child.

                      But the eye of my soul does not stop at this appearance.  Although You take the form of a little Child, I see in You the immortal, infinite Lord of lords, whom pure spirits adore, day and night, and for whom the hearts of the Seraphim burn with the fire of purest love.  O Christ, O Jesus, I want to surpass them in my love for You!  I apologize to you, O pure spirits, for my boldness in comparing myself to you, I, this chasm of misery, this abyss of misery; and You, O God, who are the incomprehensible abyss of mercy, swallow me up as the heat of the sun swallows up a drop of dew!  A loving look from You will fill up any abyss.  I feel immensely happy at the greatness of God.  Seeing God’s greatness is more than enough to make me happy throughout all eternity!" (Notebook I, #333-334)

Have an abundantly blessed day! 
By: AnneMarie

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