Monday, August 18, 2014

Mercy Monday: Our Offering to God

Happy Mercy Monday! Here's our reflection from St. Faustina's Diary:

"February 7, [1937].  Today, the Lord said to me, I demand of you a perfect and whole-burnt offering; and offering of the will.  No other sacrifice can compare with this one.  I Myself am directing your life and arranging things in such a way that you will be for Me a continual sacrifice and will always do My will.  And for the accomplishment of this offering, you will unite yourself with Me on the Cross.  I know what you can do.  I Myself will give you many orders directly, but I will delay the possibility of their being carried out and make it depend on others.  But what the superiors will not manage to do, I Myself will accomplish directly in your soul.  And in the most hidden depths of your soul, a perfect holocaust will be carried out, not just for a while, but know, My daughter, that this offering will last until your death.  But there is time, so that I the Lord will fulfill all your wishes.  I delight in you as in a living host; let nothing terrify you; I am with you."
(Notebook II, #923) By: AnneMarie

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