Monday, September 29, 2014

Mercy Monday: Don't Be Lazy!

Happy Mercy Monday!

You know how sometimes certain words or phrases get used so much that they don’t really make you blink at all? You just get used to hearing them, and finally it’s a whole “in one ear, out the other” kind of thing. Well, there’s a phrase that I’ve heard thrown around tons: lukewarm. “Don’t be a lukewarm person,” we’re told. “Don’t be lukewarm with the Faith-God wants you to be passionate!” And after hearing this a while, people can easily ignore it. They really don’t think much about rejecting lukewarm-ness in daily life. They get complacent in their spiritual lives (I’m definitely guilty of this…) When I was reading the Diary of St. Faustina during our Holy Hour on Sunday, I came across this mega-legit passage that made me go “WHAT? Oh snap!”

So, I would love to share it with y’all!

“On one occasion, I saw Satan hurrying about and looking for someone among the sisters, but he could find no one. I felt an interior inspiration to command him in the Name of God to confess to me what he was looking for among the sisters. And he confessed, though unwillingly, “I am looking for idle souls.” When I commanded him again in the Name of God to tell me to which souls in religious life he has the easiest access, he said, again unwillingly, “To lazy and idle souls.” I took note of the fact that, at present, there were no such souls in this house. Let the toiling and tired souls rejoice.”
(Notebook III, #1127)

This week, let’s fight complacency and laziness, and see how we can grow in our Faith, always drawing closer to God!
(also note that there are many epic saints this week, who give awesome examples of holiness and all around incredibleness for us to learn from)

By: AnneMarie

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