Monday, July 20, 2015

Have I Ever Appeared on a Jumbotron? My Responses to this week's "Answer Me This"

Happy Monday, friends! Today I'm linking up to Kendra's online cocktail party, Answer Me This, at Catholic All Year. Basically, she posts a group of random questions, and everyone responds. Since this week's topic includes superheroes, I knew I had to join in. 

1. What's currently on your To Do list?
This is my high-quality planner. 

Really, I just ended my career as a poor, newlywed college student.
Now, I'm a poor, newlywed freelance writer. It works for me :)
Since I no longer have to chart out weeks of homework, I really enjoy making my To Do List one day at a time. Really, it's all I can handle at this point in time. Every morning I have a little ritual of sitting down at the table and writing everything that I need to accomplish in the day. Being able to cross off several completed tasks really energizes me, so I put down the most insignificant details. I write down everything! Typically, a daily To Do List in the life of AnneMarie will include: praying, blogging, freelance projects, checking the mail, assorted household projects, and possibly a nap. And very possibly a 30-minute workout, which I am trying ("trying" is the key word) to faithfully do a few times a week. There's one big item on the non-written To Do List, which is preparing for and attending the Midwest Catholic Family Conference (you can read about that here). 

2. Better type of superhero: magic/radioactive powers? Or trauma/gadgets/hard work?
In a case like this, I like to look to Batman. 
Cool gadgets, hard work, ninja skills. You really can't go wrong with that combination! I am all for gadgets & hard work, though it doesn't automatically make a superhero awesome (cough cough Tony Stark the Jerk cough cough. Sorry, Iron Man is fun, but he definitely pales in comparison to, say, Batman, Captain America or Daredevil). I typically find the hard workers a bit more relatable, because I can't suddenly have the ability to shoot webs from my hands, but I do have the ability to work very hard in the fight for justice. 

3. Finding out if baby is a boy or a girl before birth: Good idea? Bad idea?
I've never had a baby, but growing up as the second oldest of six kids, I always enjoyed the surprise of finding out at birth if we had a new brother or sister. Sometimes, while mom would be in labor, us kids would playfully be betting if the child was a boy or girl. I have heard some good insights on the benefit of finding out ahead of time (extra special bonding with the baby and calling him or her by name), but since I've never been pregnant, I haven't really thought about this too much. 

4. Have you ever appeared on a stadium jumbotron?
Although I have not appeared on a jumbotron, I have experienced a little bit of "screen time." When I was 15 years old, I attended a Steubenville Youth Conference. On the first evening, there was a huge Eucharistic Procession with Praise and Worship music and stuff. After the trip, my family informed me that they had seen me on the live stream, arms outstretched and praising the Lord. So that's exciting! 

5. Are you more book smart or more street smart?

While I can handle myself on the streets in a relatively calm and collected manner, and like to figure things out for myself, I am horrible with directions, and at times lack common sense. I would have to confess being more book smart. But actually, I'm probably more "kitchen smart." Because put me in a kitchen, and I can whip together some pretty exciting, (hopefully) edible awesomeness. 

I hope you enjoyed hearing my responses to these random questions! Head over to Catholic All Year to join in the fun! 
By: AnneMarie

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