Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Modern Sanctity: Venerable Edel Quinn

As I'm trying to get my life, writing, and blogging more organized and back on track, I'm going to restart the occasional "Modern Sanctity" series. In this series, I look at modern examples of sanctity so that we can see how holiness is relevant and necessary in our present day! 

Today, I'd like to talk about Venerable Edel Quinn. I first heard about her via a blog that discussed The Edel Gathering, an annual event for women to kick back, relax, and have fun. I figured that Venerable Edel must have been cool, if they named and dedicated a whole weekend to her! :) I've found, from my sparse research, that Venerable Edel Quinn provides an awesome example of  Marian devotion, perseverance, and dedication to God's work. So, without further ado, here are some cool facts about this woman:

Picture taken from: 

Venerable Edel Quinn was born in Ireland on September 14, 1907. (Yay Irish people!!!)

She was very athletic & also intensely spiritual, revolving her life around the sacraments and prayers. She was extremely devoted to the Eucharist, and strove to live selflessly. 

In her late teens, Edel worked as a secretary and then joined the Legion of Mary when she was in her twenties. (Sweet, an association of volunteers who all love Mary!)

In the early 1930s, Edel made a pilgrimage to Lourdes, in France. (I've been there, too!)

In 1936, Edel traveled to Africa on missionary work. For the next few years, she lived, worked, and prayed in Africa. She evangelized and brought thousands of people to Christ and Mary. Eventually, Edel came down with dysentery and malaria. 

On May 12, 1944, Edel died in Nairobi, and in 1994, St. John Paul II declared Edel to be "Venerable." 

Some quotations from Venerable Edel Quinn:

"The Blessed Virgin wishes to continue giving Jesus to the world. We are not Christians if we do not go to our brother and give him Jesus also."

"Rejoice to imitate Our Lord in joyful acceptance of suffering: Difficulties of health, daily upsets, are His choicest gifts." 

"An idealist who does not try to put his ideals into practice, is not worth much."

"We want to be united with Him, to give ourselves to Him utterly. Our faith tells us He is in the Eucharist; let us seek Him there. If we knew we could find Him anywhere on earth we would do our utmost to go there."

On a final note (unrelated to Venerable Edel Quinn), I ask you all to continue to pray for those in the Middle East. According to reports from The Clarion Project yesterday, five women were burned alive by ISIS for refusing to give their sons over to the extremist group. Let us pray for the souls of the people who died, and pray in thanksgiving for their courage in resisting the demands of the terrorist organization. Let us also pray for the healing and conversion of all members of ISIS; I can't even imagine the pain they all must be experiencing from the terrible deeds they have done (or been forced to do, since I'd be willing to bet there are members who are coerced to do these things). 

By: AnneMarie

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