Monday, August 10, 2015

What is so special about Today?

Hello, everyone! I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend, and that your Monday is going swimmingly so far. I am very excited for today, because lots of exciting things are happening! Today is a very special day to me for many reasons: 

It's the Feast of St. Lawrence. He's pretty awesome. 
At the tomb of St. Lawrence, in Italy! 
It's also the birthday of Rebecca, over at One More Catholic (she wrote a pretty awesome post today about St. Lawrence today, check it out!). She's pretty cool. 

Today is marks my first day of writing for Ignitum Today. It's pretty cool (actually, I'm kind of SUPER EXCITED for this!!!!!), 

Oh yes...and today my husband and I celebrate our WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! Two years of epicness, and a lifetime to go! We're pretty stoked. Later this week, I will share what our special anniversary plans are, so stay tuned! If you are curious as to what our festivities included last year (and to obtain a very awesome recipe), check it out here!

Photo courtesy of LB Photography.
Today, I'm playing "Catch Up" on life (and sleep), since we went to a conference over the weekend, so I shall leave you to enjoy the excitement of Monday! I will be talking more, later in the week, about what we did at this conference, so keep your eyes open! Have a blessed and beautiful day! 

By: AnneMarie

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