Monday, October 5, 2015

Embrace God's Mercy-Today!

"Growing up, I never knew much about St. Faustina. I recognized pictures of her, and connected her with the Divine Mercy image, where Jesus is pictured with rays shooting out from His chest. Sometimes, I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet with my family on Fridays. In Catholic bookstores, I would see the volume titled Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, but I never picked it up. This book looked massive, and I figured that I would never really read it. Who has time to read a 600+ page spiritual book? Slowly, over time, I developed a greater devotion to Divine Mercy in my life. Shortly after our wedding two years ago, my husband and I began reading the Diary. This book has profoundly affected my life and relationship with God in so many incredible ways. Today, I would like to share with you some benefits of reading St. Faustina’s Diary..."

Find the rest over at Ignitum Today! 
Happy Feast of St. Faustina!! 
By: AnneMarie


  1. Adding this to the list of books I need to read!! I love the Divine Mercy chaplet and say it often.

    1. That's awesome that you already love the chaplet!!! I hope you like reading the Diary! I would read a few paragraphs from it each week during my Holy Hour, and I absolutely fell in love with it. Now, I go back to all of the bookmarks I put in there while reading it through the first time, so I can re-read my favorite parts! (although I pretty much have the whole thing bookmarked, so I guess that defeats the purpose haha)

  2. That's pretty much what I've been doing with Intro to the Devout Life, I've been taking it to adoration with me and just reading it then (which is where I'm going in like 2 minutes). But I'm kind of anxious to finish it now because I'm eager to start one of St. Francis De Sales other books, Finding God's Will For You, because I really really REALLY need that right now. I'm definitely struggling in that area. So, I have a pretty good list of books to read, which now includes the Diary!

    1. Oh, the struggle! I've definitely been there many times. I actually-and this is really sad/pathetic of me-sometimes put down a book and leave it unfinished for months while I read other stuff. 'Cause I'll be reading one thing, and it'll be great, but then I'll really have it on my heart to read another thing, and then I'm not as "into" the first book, I'm more in a mode of "I must plow through this!" So then I toss all caution to the wind and pick up the new book. It works for me, but I have many great spiritual reading books that are unfinished and I need to get back to eventually haha :)

  3. Yup, same with me! I started reading Story of a Soul earlier this year and have pretty much abandoned it now :(. I keep saying i have to get back to it but other books keep getting in the way. Have you read that one?

    1. I have read that one! Like a million years ago haha :) I should reread it sometime, who knows if that'll ever happen? :P
