Monday, March 28, 2016

3 Reasons Why the Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference 2016 Will be Awesome

Taking place in the Oklahoma City metro area on Saturday, April 16, this fabulous event will inspire, empower, and reach out to women from Oklahoma and the surrounding states. Yes, that’s right—you don’t have to be from Oklahoma to attend. So, for those of you in Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, or any other states, I want you to know that you are very welcome to come :) 
But what is the Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference? And why should we consider attending this event? Let’s break it down.
“It is our hope that these conferences will give the women of Oklahoma a more extensive knowledge of their Catholic faith as well as encourage them to receive the many graces available through frequent reception of the Sacraments and the study of Sacred Scripture in conjunction with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We recognize the Blessed Mother as the model for living a faithful, Christ-centered life as a woman, wife and/or mother and encourage devotion to her in a journey as women in the Church.” ~from the Conference Mission Statement 

Women from every walk of life can come together and connect.
This isn’t just a conference for “those put-together ladies who are involved in every church function and group.” Nope, this is a chance for women from all corners of the community to come together, even those who slip into the back pew on Sunday and scurry out before the final hymn ends. College-aged women, young adult women, middle-aged women, elderly women, married women, single women, mothers, widows—we can all connect, share, and help each other grow. Don’t hold back, thinking, “I’m not that type; I don’t go to conferences.” Trust me, the Holy Spirit works through every single person, and there are many parts in the Body of Christ—they are all important! Furthermore, while this conference is hosted by the Catholic community and the Sacraments will be offered, non-Catholic women are invited to come and grow in their faith as well!

Fabulous national speakers will encourage us women in our pursuit of holiness.
The founder of and bestselling author Lisa Hendey will be discussing how we—as busy, modern women—play an epic and unique role in the New Evangelization.

Fr. Andrew Apostoli, a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (one of my top-favorite religious orders), will be discussing the illustrious Venerable Fulton Sheen and Our Lady of Fatima! (So if you love Mary and the saints, you’ll really want to hear him speak)

Do you ever get irritated? Me too! Marie Bellet knows the struggle, and she will be talking about “Transformation through Irritation,” drawing from her experiences as a wife, mother of nine children, and singer.

This conference is a mini-retreat, away from the business of life, into the arms of Christ.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but my springtime months have filled up really quickly, especially as I prepare for the birth of the little boy in my belly. So, it would be quite a hassle to sacrifice the time for a weekend-long retreat or conference. However, the Oklahoma Catholic Women’s Conference is just one day. We come on a Saturday morning and immerse ourselves in encouraging talks, the Eucharist, and fellowship with other women. By dinner time, we can jump back into our daily lives, refreshed by the graces that we have received.

I, for one, am very excited for this beautiful day of prayer, reflection, enrichment, and fellowship to take place. In the Year of Mercy and the season of Easter, it will be an incredible time to both rejuvenate ourselves in Christ and open ourselves up to whatever lessons, conversations, or new friendships that God has in store for us!

If you would like to learn more about the conference or register to attend, you can check out the website here. Early registration (which includes a $10 discount!!) ends on April 1. There is also a discounted rate for women under 30 years old, and we will welcome you as a free guest if the fee is an obstacle. So, do not let money deter you from this gathering! I hope that you will prayerfully consider attending, and if you come, I’ll most likely be bouncing around the vendor area, so feel free to stop by and say hi :)
By: AnneMarie

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