Monday, March 21, 2016

Let's Make Holy Week Epic

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope that you all had a splendid weekend. I certainly did-my husband and I played at a Catan tournament, met awesome people, celebrated Palm Sunday at our parish, and we watched the first two episodes of Daredevil season 2!!!!!! So much craziness in the show already, and I'm dying to watch the next episode. So, not watching it while my husband is at work is a good sacrifice to make! 

This week is especially good for sacrifices and prayers because it is Holy Week. 

We recall the suffering and final days of Jesus Christ leading up to His Passion and death. As we meditate on the intense sufferings of Christ, we can see just how much love He has for us. He underwent extreme agony and suffering for us, pouring out tons of merciful love upon us. If you haven't ever researched the scientific and historical facts of Christ's Passion, I encourage you to. So often, we can look at barren crosses or sanitized crucifixes and forget about the extreme agony that He went through out of love. This week is a time for silence, for prayer, for meditation, for sacrifice. We intimately focus on our relationship with the suffering Christ and His deep love, opening ourselves up to His mercy in an even greater way.

There are numerous ways to enrich your observance of Holy Week, and sometimes that can be overwhelming. I don't know about y'all, but so often, I want to do all of the devotions! However, I am a fan of simplicity, and I think there's a lot to be said for keeping things simple. So, I'm over at Ignitum Today, discussing 3 Simple Ways to Celebrate Holy Week!  By: AnneMarie

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