Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The joy of living out a vocation (thoughts from Corpus Christi Sunday)

This truly is a week of  awesomeness. Sunday was the Feast of Corpus Christi, a celebration which dates back to the 13th century. And today celebrates the Feast of the Visitation, in which we recall the meeting of Mary, Elizabeth, Jesus, and John the Baptist in Luke's Gospel! So party it up this week! Yet, as I sat in church on Sunday, I did not think about either of these feasts. Instead, I thought about marriage. 

Our awesome pastor, during the homily, shared that on May 30, 2016 (Monday) he would celebrate 19 years of being a priest. Excitedly, he told the congregation about how his First Mass took place on the Feast of Corpus Christi. He told us that his Godmother made him the chasuble that he was wearing in this year's feast. Eyes sparkling, our pastor recounted for us the eventful day of his ordination, and he remarked that it had been the best day of his life at that point-but that his life is even better and happier now. 

As our priest discussed this, and launched into the homily that had been proclaimed at his First Mass on Corpus Christi all those years ago, I found myself thinking about the joy that was bubbling up off of the pulpit. My pastor was so full of joy at his vocation-at being an ordained, celibate priest who continually serves his parish and the community. This is what living out your vocation looks like. Yes, our pastor has hard days, struggles, and many sacrifices that he makes. But, he does not let that weigh down the joy of living out his vocation. In fact, I kept thinking that he looked like a giddy bridegroom on his wedding day because he was that excited about being a priest!  

There are times when I can't believe that my husband and I been married for almost three years (where has the time gone?). While we've had plenty of struggles and difficulties crop up, I can truly say that life is even better, happier, and more joy-filled now than it was previously. I know that more hardships will come along, but in the face of it all, I'm going to remember the image of our exuberant pastor: Yes, he has to deal with parish drama, insane schedules, and who knows what else...but I could tell that he is overwhelmed with with joy in his vocation. 

When I've been married for 19 years, I want to be that overcome with joy in my vocation as a wife. 

By: AnneMarie


  1. That is so amazing at how pumped the priest was about his vocation! Living out our God-given vocation brings so much joy!

    1. So true, Lianna! So much peace and joy when we live out our vocations, and it's such a beautiful testimony to see that exuberance in others :)
