Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to cause a small, joyous uproar at church:

Bring a 5-day-old newborn :)

Enjoying some afternoon snuggles while I
catch up on the blog :)
I saw one of my old lady friends actually jump in her seat when she saw us arrive for Mass, the entire pew of people behind us all started whispering among themselves about babies, and we were approached by friends and strangers who all wanted to congratulate us and welcome our son. Getting to share in the joy with our fellow parishioners was beautiful!

At 38 weeks, 6 days, little Peter decided to surprise us and come out on June 7 at 3:33 p.m. (how's that for Trinitarian?)! Labor was awesome, epic, and hilarious (Jacob had to convince me go to the hospital because I didn't think I was in "actual labor"). I am so blessed to have gone through it with my husband! We have been enjoying lots of games and relaxation as a family at home, and we are all loving life :) 

Have a beautiful start to the week!

By: AnneMarie


  1. Your lovely child is the most wonderful start of this week and for many more weeks.

  2. How wonderful, AnneMarie!
    He is beautiful and you are looking wonderful. Enjoy those snuggles and take it easy for a while.

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! I'm trying to take it easy-it's hard because I feel pretty "normal" and really energized, but yesterday I started to feel a little sore and think I may have overexerted myself, so today I'm hardcore lounging around, snuggling Peter, and reading, and I told my husband to hold me accountable and make sure I relax :P

  3. Aww! You guys are so awesome and brave to take the little one out right away! My parents took me on my first roadtrip when I was 10 days old so that I could meet my mom's side of the family--I think they relaxed a little bit more with subsequent children, haha!

    1. Thanks, Rachel! Thankfully, our parish is only about a 15 minute drive away, and Peter was asleep for the whole drive and the entire time we were at church, so it was really easy. I don't think I'm brave enough to attempt an actual big trip with him yet (I declined a wedding invite which would mean taking him out of town for an entire weekend at a few weeks old, because I was too scared to try it haha).

  4. ooh!Congrats! can we coax you to post more baby pics when you get settled?

    1. Thanks, Helena! I will probably post some more when I get into a little bit more of a routine (if there is such a thing with a newborn haha) :)

  5. Ahhhhhhh!!! How exciting! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much, Ann-Marie! We're so very excited and loving life with him outside of the womb :)

  6. Aw, Peter is adorable! Congratulations!

  7. I'll bet that was such a surprise to everyone (especially since he was early) and you probably heard "What are you DOING here???" about a thousand times. Glad you're doing so well.

    1. Haha yeah, I got that a little bit, though mostly people were just obsessing over Peter :) Thanks! I'm glad that I'm doing so well to; I think it's helped the adjustment of lie with a newborn go more smoothly.

  8. Congratulations! What a beautiful little guy. I'm so glad you are feeling good. The postpartum time is great for learning your baby's needs and unique personality so I hope you can just milk it for all it's worth.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! It's interesting you mention that-I never really thought I'd be able tell much from a newborn, but now that I think of it, I guess I have been able to see bits and pieces of his personality come out when he smiles and peacefully chills out for most of the day.
