Monday, September 5, 2016

Learning to Live Like the Samaritan (at Ignitum Today)

Happy Monday, everyone! And happy feast of St. Teresa of Calcutta (canonized just yesterday)!!!!!!!!

God calls each of us to love and serve others, and often we look at the story of the Good Samaritan and discuss our need to participate in social justice issues and actively go out and help that poor person on the side of the road. Being like the Good Samaritan looks slightly different for each of us, and I'm over at Ignitum Today talking about how I think God is calling me to be like the Samaritan in my stay-at-home mom life: 
My Calling: To Live Like the Samaritan. By: AnneMarie


  1. I clicked over and read this, AnneMarie.
    I, too, often get carried away with my homemaking and mothering tasks and forget that there are still abundant opportunities to be a Good Samaritan to others. My eyes will be more open this week at the library, as I shop, and when I see my literal neighbors. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

    1. Shannon, thank you so much for reading my article! I'm glad you liked it, and I'm excited for all of the people that God will put in your path. It really is crazy beautiful when we take a moment to be present to those around us, and we see what amazing people surround us-in fact, just yesterday I was talking with the cashier at a thrift store, and she was telling me all about the crochet projects that she makes for children. It was so neat!
