Friday, September 16, 2016

Stories to Inspire You (7QT)

Happy Friday, friends! And happy feast of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian! I really should be doing a workout right now, since Peter just went down for a short nap, but blogging is calling to me. So, I'll keep this real short, link up with Kelly, and tell y'all about some awesomely inspiring stories I read this week. And give you a couple baby updates, because  who doesn't want some happy inspiration and baby news to brighten his or her Friday? 

So remember that seminarian I told y'all about earlier this summer, the one who died in a kayacking accident? 
Well, his body was found-thanks be to God!-and the legacy that he left is continuing to live on in the hearts of his friends and family. National Catholic Register released a great story on him this week. Brian is such an inspiring man, and a beautiful witness of what it means to sacrifice yourself for another person. 

"How Men at Strip Clubs Have Healed my Heart" is proof that my alma mater, Franciscan University of Steubenville, is an amazing, blessed place. 
I have to confess, I never made it to the Red Light intercessory prayer sessions, but I would pray for the ministry from time to time. And it just always brought me so much joy that some college men were giving up their Friday nights to kneel down and pray by strip clubs. I also just heard-via Facebook-that the strip club they prayed at recently closed, so the ministry is moving to an "adult entertainment" store. The power of prayer is epic. 

When I was younger, I didn't "get" consecrated virginity. 
Why wouldn't you just be a religious sister in a community with others? I wondered. Now that I'm older and have talked with people about the vocation of consecrated virginity, I understand it more and have such a respect for it. And, wouldn't you know, I just came across this very beautiful and inspiring story of a young consecrated virgin. It seems that we don't talk about this vocation very often, so I really appreciate this article a lot. 

I don't pump, but I am seriously inspired by this rockstar mom who pumped her breastmilk while running in a half marathon. 
This is cool on so many levels-not only is this chick super dedicated and sacrificial to provide for her baby and keep up her milk supply, but she also shows us that having other interests alongside mommy-ing is good and possible. It's a very Kerri Walsh Jennings thing to do. 

That's your inspiration, now time for some cute baby news...

Peter is just over three months old, and I love how alert and active he is! 
He loves scooting around on the floor, smiling at me and Jacob, and sitting in our laps. The only downside is that he doesn't like to just lay on the floor and play by himself as much, and really likes being entertained. Don't get me wrong, I love playing with him and entertaining him, but it's just a lot harder to get other things done if he's not napping. 

Does anyone know what the deal is with Sophie La Girafe? 
Peter received one as a gift, and he loves it. Many times, if he's laying on the floor and I just hold it in front of his face, he will coo at it for 10 minutes straight!!! 

I don't get it. It's an expensive rubber giraffe! What's so magical about it??? I mean, it is named after a Catholic saint, so perhaps that adds some sort of awesomeness that Catholic babies sense? I don't know. It's weird.  

On Monday, we celebrated the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, and to commemorate the occasion, Peter joined me for a Rosary walk. 
And even though he's skinny so some clothes are still too big on him, I made him wear this suit to celebrate the beautiful feast day, and I about died from the adorableness that ensued. 

Well, it's been fun, but I probably shouldn't postpone my workout any longer since Peter is still sleeping and my sink is overflowing with dirty dishes that also have to be conquered. Have a very happy Friday!!!  By: AnneMarie


  1. Peter is so cute, and looks adorable in his suit! I went to Steubenville for a youth conference when I was in high school youth group, and it was such a neat place. Very meaningful. Several of my cousins attended college there too!

    1. That's so neat that you got to visit Steubie for a conference! It is such a blessed place, and I'm glad that you and your cousins got to experience it in some capacity :)
