Friday, September 15, 2017

Of Cats and Men: A Review

My relationship to cats has been a journey and a process. Growing up, felines never struck me as that fabulous. As I grew, I befriended many women who happen to be obsessed with cats. So, influenced by my dear friends, I started to appreciate cats more. However, the vast majority of cat-lovers I know are women. Do male lovers of cats exist? Of Cats and Men, by Sam Kalda, shows that there are,in fact, many men who buck the trend of "dogs are man's best friend." Not only that, but these men are notable. Writers, activists, artists, and musicians. For centuries, incredible life-changing work has been done by men as cats roam around their homes and studios. 
Of Cats and Men is great, and I think it's a lovely "coffee table book." It's perfect to lay out for guests and friends to pick up, peruse, and discuss. Simple illustrations and hand-lettered quotations are scattered throughout the pages, and over 20 men are featured here. Each profile is a page long and accompanied by a full-page illustration. Kalda's writing style is conversational and lighthearted, yet he packs in fantastic details that will be perfect to keep in mind for the next Trivia event you attend. 

The only aspect I did not fully enjoy in this book was the occasional crude or sexual reference, because it keeps the book from being wholly kid-friendly. But, there's still plenty in here that kids of all ages can read, discuss, and enjoy with their families. Of Cats and Men was a pretty fun read, and I have to admit that I appreciate cats even more after reading this! 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 
By: AnneMarie

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