Friday, August 24, 2018

My morning view

"Silence strips man and makes him like a child: pure but frail, innocent, and without provisions. Silence shapes us as the blacksmith works metal." ~Cardinal Sarah

My view this morning:

I am so overjoyed to announce that yesterday at 10:59 a.m., I gave birth to a beautiful boy! 

My heart is so full, and I am abundantly blessed to have an incredible husband who loved, supported, and prayed with me through this birth. It was an beautiful experience, and eventually I'll put some of my birth story up here because I think birth stories are pretty fun, and I think it's neat to see the similarities and differences with my firstborn's labor and delivery ;) 

I hope that you all have a wonderful feast of St. Bartholomew and an abundantly blessed weekend! 
By: Unknown


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I hope you are feeling well and recovering well! So excited for you!

  2. Ahhhhh!!! Congratulations! This is so exciting!

    1. Thank you so much, Ann-Marie! We are so excited and have really been loving the experience of having the little guy on this side of the womb :)

  3. Congratulations, AnneMarie! What beautiful news! Welcome to the world, little one!

    1. Thanks, Lianna! He's a little sweetheart :)

  4. Oh my goodness!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more! Welcome, sweet little boy!!!!

  5. Congrats! What a wonderful view...such a blessing. I'm eager to hear some of the story.
    Blessings as you recover and adjust to the new addition.

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! Hopefully you'll have a similar view soon ;)

  6. Congratulations!!! Wishing you oh so much happiness as you get to know the newest member of the family!

  7. Congrats AnneMarie!!!!!! So happy and excited for you! Looking forward to hearing more about your birth story.

    1. Thank you so much, Elisabeth! I just started putting together a written-out version of the birth story, so hopefully I'll get that up here in the not-so-distant future :)
