Wednesday, January 22, 2020

There's a Human in my Belly!

I don't entirely understand when bloggers tease out a "big announcement" for an entire huge post before announcing a pregnancy, because it's usually very obvious that they are going to announce a pregnancy, so I figured I'd stick it in the title for y'all to see ;)

This is five weeks pregnant, so we all have a nice baseline
to reference when I take more photos and we see how I've
already tripled in size in the matter of one month. 
There are actual reflective-ish thoughts swirling in my mind that I'd love to write out right now, but since I'm sipping ice water, making sure the toddler stays out of mischief, and about to dive into a fresh box of crackers to help keep the nausea under control (I went through an entire box of Triscuits in less than 24 hours with only a tiny bit of assistance from my kids, and I am NOT ASHAMED), I'll keep things simple for now.

The past couple weeks have been a nice chance to settle in and relax a little bit. We got the positive test (well, two tests, just to "make sure) a couple days before heading out on our Big Pacific Northwest Trip, and I am extremely grateful to God that the bulk of pregnancy symptoms didn't really strike until we reached the last week of our trip and were staying at my in-laws house. So, I could nap three times a day and nauseously sit on the couch while my relatives played with the kids and brought me bottles of sparkling water. Now that we're home, I've finally finished unpacking and cleaning up the living room from the Christmas Gift Explosion that inevitably happened and I'm starting to see a semblance of routine creeping back in.

I've managed to take the kids on a couple outings, see some friends, and get back to our normal library visits, but other than that I've been a bit of a hermit. I love people and being with people, but I have been saying "no" to a few different gatherings so I can sit in my panda pajama pants on the couch at home and eat aforementioned crackers.

We got to have our first ultrasound today, and that was really, really awesome. I'm not a huge crier, but for each of my kids now, I've started crying as soon as I hear that heartbeat. I do not take fertility or this little life for granted, and I don't know how long he or she will be with us, so I'm just extremely thankful for the gift of hearing that beat of life and seeing that four-centimeters-long body wriggle around onscreen. I had the diagnostic ultrasound at one of those boutique ultrasound places, and while I don't love paying out of pocket for an ultrasound that insurance would cover in a hospital, I loved the experience so much more than the sterile hospital setting! The reception area looked like a living room, and the ultrasound room looked like a comfy bedroom with a couch nearby and a play area for kids (with race tracks and a play kitchen and other toys). Before the tech started the ultrasound she gave me my own personal screen to hold so I could lie back on the pillow and watch the baby up close. She took her time showing me all the little features-the baby's nose, hand, foot-and it was a beautiful experience. What was always an in-and-out thing in the hospital took us nearly an hour, and I honestly wish that this type of experience was available to women pursuing hospital births (an entire post that I'll get to eventually!).

Every day, I wish my baby "Good morning." Every day, the three-year-old bounces over and peers down at my belly, waving his hand and calling out his own greeting. The toddler is under the impression that "belly" is synonymous with "baby." My husband is excited and is working hard to take care of me and the kids so that I can rest. We are all so thankful and very excited :)

God-willing, baby will be coming out at the end of summer, and I am trying to joyfully embrace each day with this little one as I blink through the fog of fatigue and nausea (11 weeks currently). To God be the glory! By: AnneMarie


  1. Congratulations! What an absolute gift! Praying for you!

  2. I am so so happy for you! That ultrasound experience sounds amazing. My doctor is good about letting me see things, but that sounds SO nice. I cry with every ultrasound! It’s such a surreal, beautiful experience and some of my favorite memories to cherish forever.

  3. Congratulations, AnneMarie!!! Excited for you all!!!

  4. Congratulations again! And what an awesome ultrasound experience, that sounds so amazing and life-affirming.

  5. Many congrats AnneMarie!!! What a wonderful blessing, so happy for you and your family! PS. I am right here along with you - I am currently 17 weeks pregnant! :)

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth! Yahoo! Congrats to you too! How are you feeling?

    2. Thanks so much!! First trimester was rough but now I am feeling really good. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. What a precious gift!! Congratulations to you and your family! Hope the nausea abates eventually. I'm really happy for you!

  7. Congratulations, AnneMarie!
    There is nothing like that first time seeing the baby on the ultrasound screen.
    I pray the nausea lets up soon and that you remain comfortable throughout the summer!

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon! I appreciate the prayers :) I am grateful that this baby isn't due until the end of summer, because after having a baby at the beginning of summer and one at the end of summer, I am of the opinion that being hugely uncomfortably pregnant in a hot summer is easier than having a crying sweaty infant who wants to be held nonstop in the hot summer days :P

  8. AHHH!!! Somehow I missed this!! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you guys!

  9. Congrats! My previous comment didn't post but I did see this a bit ago. I'm so glad for you. My brother, who is a huge tease, told me 3 kids is when it gets real. I'm pretty sure parenting was real before, but I see what he means about being at a whole other level of chaos.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! I'm sure life with 3 kids will be crazy, but we're looking forward to it-a new wild adventure for us! I think it helps that many people we know at church have 5 or 6 kids under the age of 12, so we can just ask them to share ALL the parenting advice ;)
