Sunday, February 7, 2021

To be healed and to serve (some Sunday thoughts)

"On leaving the synagogue Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them." (Mk 1:29-31)

During this ongoing pandemic, and with one of my boys struck with a bad cold (which he lovingly shared with his baby sister as he breathed in her face and smothered her in cuddles and kisses), the section of Mark's Gospel from today's Mass is timely. Not only is Simon's mother-in-law healed from her fever, but the chapter goes on to describe the many healings that Jesus conducted, both physical and spiritual. 

As I stood in my pew and listened to the deacon proclaim these words, I wasn't struck by the healings and exorcisms, as marvelous as they are. Instead, the response of this one woman looped in my mind. 

"...and she waited on them."

Simon's mother-in-law, once healed, seeks to serve. I cringe to think about all the moments when my response is the opposite. 

I think about all the times when I don't feel well; when physical sickness or mental strain makes my body and mind weary. In the nearly nonexistent occasion when I do get a "sick day," (or, let's be real, a "sick couple of hours") I try to take full advantage of it. After all, I need to rest and heal without being climbed on by small humans. 

Once I do get rest and am better, I have found that I'm often tempted to keep my focus inward. While I do want to take care of my family now that I'm better, there are times when my first concern is my agenda, my list of goals, my creative time. But God does not heal us so that we can wallow in selfishness and our previous way of living; He heals and restores us so we can follow Him anew and love better. 

We need to come to Christ for healing, resting in Him and doing any necessary hard work that the healing process requires. Then, we need to get out of the bed and lift our eyes to see those around us, those whom we are called to love and serve. 

And yes, in case you're wondering: I'm preaching to myself right here, and will be trying to remember all this the next time my children rush to my side in the morning, begging for breakfast as I try to push my eyelids open and crawl out of bed ;) 

By: AnneMarie


  1. Speaking to my heart this morning as my 2yo has a nasty cold, I'm sniffling a ton, and the baby was up every 2 hrs! Solidarity! Fighting the good fight beside you, sister, His grace is enough!!

    1. Oh no! Hang in there, Laura. I'm praying for you!
